Welcome to our new students, and student update
We are enormously pleased to welcome Dhanendra Shahi, and Purna Adhikari to the DFN family. Both come from impoverished backgrounds in the far west of Nepal, and are absolutely delighted to be sponsored, as they would otherwise be unable to fulfil their dreams of studying to become doctors. Both have commenced the first year, and we wish them the best luck for their next few years of study.
On the recent visit to Nepal, the trustees were able to spend some time with all of our students who are flourishing in their studies. We were also able to deliver a large number of ...
DFN appears on popular Nepal TV show
Dr Kate Yarrow was invited onto NAMASTE TV SHOW on Nepal TV+ as their special guest for a 90 minute live programme. Kate was the only guest on their new feature, "Agents of Change". It was a great opportunity to let the whole of Nepal know about the work of Doctors for Nepal and her experiences in Nepal since her first visit in 2006. Kate and host Sahana Bajracharya discuss the problems still facing Nepal and how Doctors for Nepal is trying to solve the problems of healthcare in rural Nepal. Towards the end of the clip, 43.05, there is a short film that Namaste TV ...
Doctors for Nepal was invited on to a 90 minute live TV show today. They were there to talk about the work we do but also to share the plight of 2 young sisters we have befriended in a displacement camp in Kathmandu. In October 2015, Kate and Gareth (director/cameraman) filmed 15 year old Susmita and 11 year old Santhi in their tent in the camp. Their house had been destroyed in the April 2015 earthquake. Kate promised them she would return when she was next in Nepal - she has kept her promise and managed to find them again, still living in squalor - same tent, ...
DFN trustee Nat’s thoughts from Nepal
20th June
I asked a final year medical student about the earthquake, specifically where he was during the earthquake. I asked him as he was showing me around Patan hospital on a sweaty afternoon as the storm awaited. We were walking languidly between familiar hospital entities… ‘this is the paediatric ward’… ‘this is the OT’. He paused a moment and then started. He told me he was at the hospital gate when it happened. A doctor colleague shouted at him ‘get the other students’, it was a Saturday and most of them were in the student accommodation 2 minutes ...
Susmita’s Story: A story of hope
June 17th: 2016
Stepping through the puddles of mud, and over shallow drainage canals into the displacement camp, first impressions were how little has changed. Possibly there are now more tents, cramped onto this no-man’s land in the middle of Kathmandu. I tiptoe my way through the filth and rubbish, and cautiously ask a resident if Susmita – the blind girl and her family are still here. I am desperately hoping that for their sakes life has moved on, and they have been rehomed. I am surprised to hear that they are still here, and quickly make my way through to ...