It will cost about £36,000 this year to support our medical, nursing and midwifery students, plus administration, and fundraising costs. We plan to expand our training and health project programme, and offer financial support to our doctors for postgraduate training. With more funding we can strive to ensure higher quality medical care in rural Nepal. The future of our students and doctors depends on us – and you!
We welcome support from corporate and charity donations and sponsorships. For more information please contact
If you have any queries about donating or the donation process, please call us on +44(0)7913870187
Alternative Ways to Donate
The perfect way to support the charity on an ongoing basis is to set up a direct debit or standing order. We can claim back Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer.
For Direct Debits via JustGiving:
For standing orders and UK bank transfers:
Doctors for Nepal | Account: 00284204 | Sort code 30-91-25
For international bank transfers:
Doctors for Nepal Iban: gb67 loyd 3091 2500 2842 04 Bic: loydgb21002
To post a cheque:
DFN, Highwell, Hamsey, Nr Lewes, East Sussex BN8 5TD
Book a table at a restaurant via ChariTable Bookings
Next time you make a restaurant booking, do it through ChariTable Bookings and £1 for every diner will be donated to us at no extra cost to you.
Please click here to view participating restaurants and to make a booking.
Raise funds for us while you shop online:
Please raise free funds for us when you’re shopping online! Via Easyfundraising it couldn’t be easier, it doesn’t cost anything extra and it’s really quick. Please click here and follow instructions.