4 results for month: 06/2019
Santosh tells us about his home life
Our youngest medical student is Santosh. We asked him to tell us a bit more about his reasons to want to train to become a doctor, and also about what life is like at home in his remote village in Jumla. Here is his account:
"My name is Santosh Upadhayay and I am 19 years old.
My scholarship has completely changed my life, as it has made me focus on studying, and also helped my family to become free of economic burden. I feel that my scholarship was my life changer.
Now a bit about myself:
My village is called Simkhada; it is located in mid-western development region of Nepal, Karnali zone, Jumla district. I have two ...
DFN supports first midwifery degree-level course in Nepal
Our Founder, Dr Kate Yarrow, has just returned from an extremely busy and successful week in Nepal. We can now proudly announce that Doctors for Nepal has just signed agreements to support the first ever midwifery degree-level course in Nepal: we will provide scholarships to the most needy and deserving, impoverished students from the Karnali region. While Kate was in Kathmandu she met up with as many of our students and doctors as she could for a fantastic team building day - some of our doctors and students are abroad studying or working as doctors and on placements in the remotest parts of Nepal. Kate's other news is that the eminent ...
Purna is on a placement in southern Nepal
Purna is now in his 4th year of medical studies and is currently on a placement in a Primary Health Care Centre (PHCC) in Manhari, Makawanpur. He is about 180km from Kathmandu and the posting lasts for 1 month. PHCCs is the most basic level of healthcare institution offered by the government in Nepal. It mostly provides A&E services, curative health care services and preventative services. Purna has recently had 2 interesting cases in which he was involved and here's what he has to say about them:
"This is my first residential posting with with clinical exposure and I am in my second week of posting. Altogether there are 7 medical ...
Kamal can sing!
Despite working flat out with their medical studies, our amazing students always find time to relax. Here's Kamal in 2 videos showing us his hidden talent.
In the first video Kamal (left) sings and plays the guitar with his fellow student Rakesh Pariyar.
In this video Kamal goes solo! Great singing and playing Kamal, you sing beautifully.