2 results for month: 12/2020

Kamal’s short story about poverty and Covid-19

Kamal has just had a short story published on Setopati's website - Nepal's most reputable digital newspaper with over 1.7 million readers. The article, which you can read below, is a work of fiction, but is based on Kamal's real feelings and true events that have happened in his life. The protagonist of the story, Harke, is an imagined character but his story represents the actual problems of poverty faced by many people from the Karnali region and other remote areas of Nepal. Kamal has dedicated his story to his mother, who is recovering from her encounter with Covid-19. Bravo Kamal - a very moving account of Covid infected times in Nepal. ...

Nahakul saves young boy’s tongue

A 5-year-old boy was rushed to hospital after cutting his tongue while bathing in a stony river. The boy fell out of a tree and bit his tongue which was almost completely severed.  His father took him on the back of his motorbike, on a 7-hour journey to the nearest hospital, along treacherous mountainous roads. People in remote Nepal sometimes have to walk for up to 9 days to reach their nearest hospital, and then it’s not guaranteed that a doctor will be there to help them. Nahakul works at Manma District Hospital in Kalikot and successfully sewed the boy’s tongue back together - he is now fully recovered. Despite the lack ...