Fundraising Resources

Thank you for fundraising for Doctors for Nepal!

We can provide you with a number of resources to help you with your fundraising:

  • You might like to use our 4 minute film WHAT IS DOCTORS FOR NEPAL? to kick off an organised event.  We find it really helps if people fully understand what we stand for and what we do at the start of any fundraising event.

    Click here to see the film

    Please contact who will be happy to provide you with the right format of the film for your event.
  • We can also provide you with DFN collection boxes, t-shirts, hoodies and balloons to make your event go with a bang!
  • Finally we can provide you with standing order forms, sign-up forms to go on our mailing list and to receive our e-newsletters.

Please contact for further info.

Doctors for Nepal Logo

This is the logo we use on all our material. Please be sure to use it when advertising your event, tweeting or posting on Facebook and Instagram.

Doctors for Nepal Standing Order form FRONT

We suggest that you download this form to hand out at your event, or contact us and can we can provide you with a number of ready printed forms. THIS IS THE FRONT OF THE FORM

Doctors for Nepal Standing Order form BACK

We suggest that you download this form to hand out at your event, or contact us and can we can provide you with a number of ready printed forms. THIS IS THE BACK OF THE FORM