Preparing for the upcoming trip to Nepal..

Plans are heavily underway for Dr Kate Yarrow (Founder and chairman of Doctors For Nepal) to visit the remote district of Kalikot, along with Gareth Taylor (or Taylor-Made Media). The party will be leaving for Nepal this Thursday, and will be journeying to one of the worlds most isolated areas by foot. They are hoping to film the experiences of patients trying to access healthcare, and will be following their stories as they unfold. They will also follow the work of DFN’s first doctor - Lalit, as he goes about his gruelling daily work high up in the Himalayas. Kate will ...

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Dr Lalit goes back to his district with UK elective student

We are incredibly pleased to announce that Lalit - our first DFN doctor, has secured himself another year in the very isolated district of Kalikot. The longer he is able to work there, the bigger the impact he will have on his community. Medical student Louis, from the UK, has just arrived there on his elective placement, and will be spending a month under Lalit's supervision to learn about healthcare in remote Nepal. Here are his first impressions: "Getting up to Kalikot Distirict Hospital (KDH) takes a two day single track road trip up from Nepalgunj & during rainy ...

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NEWS From Dr.Lalit

Dear Sponsors, I am well, and doing my internship at Nepalgunj Medical College, (Western Nepal). First of all , I would like to say thank you all who initiated and established DFN with your BIG Heart, very hard work and continuous kind support to the charity, without which it was impossible for me be here as a doctor. I would like to remind you of my life before 6 years ago;  I was a health assistant working with an international charity (Medecines Sans Frontiers) in Kalikot Hospita (rural area of far western Nepal).  I used to dream of becoming a doctor.  I was sure ...

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creating access to treatment

Improving lives