Latest news from Dr Lalit
Lalit has just completed his 4 years commitment to DFN to work in a remote area of Nepal. We are extremely pleased to report that his work has significantly contributed to healthcare in remote Nepal, and to date he has undertaken over 200 Caesarean sections, saving the lives of many mothers and babies. He is now also a skilled vasectomy surgeon, and has over 1000 procedures under his belt – a significant contribution to long-term contraception. Although Lalit is very keen to continue working in rural Nepal, he has been unable to secure postgraduate training within his home country. But thanks to generous donations we are now able to help Lalit with his postgraduate studies in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Cairo University, in Egypt, where he has been offered one of a handful of government scholarships. This scholarship includes a bond to serve back in Nepal for five years upon completion of his training. He will also be bonded with DFN to serve a minimum of 4 of those years in a remote rural area – in doing so, taking his expertise to thousands of women and babies. We wish Lalit well in his postgraduate studies, and look forward to hearing updates as he progressing through his training. Over the next 3 years we will continue to raise funds to ensure he is able to complete his studies, but also towards our other newly qualified doctors who will also be commencing postgraduate studies in the coming years. It is vital that we are able to ensure their continued professional development as doctors, so that they can provide the highest standard of medical care to these forgotten, remote populations.