Home: Rukum district
Background: Father & mother – subsistence farming, 6 siblings.
Previous employment: Mugu District for PHASE
Current: Bajura for PHASE
July 2022
Prabha graduated on 4th September 2021. Following this, she began to work with PHASE, Nepal in Bajura Kolti. She feels happy and proud in her current position. This is an extremely remote area, where medical support is desperately needed. Prabha has been seeing a wide variety of patients and delivered training to traditional healers in the district, spreading the word about vital modern medical interventions.

In 2007 Prabha passed her SLC and then became an Auxiliary Nursing Midwife( ANM). Since childhood Prabha has wanted to be a nurse because, as she grew up in a remote village, she witnessed many sick mothers and children who had to walk for days to reach basic healthcare at the nearest health centre for something as simple as a mild fever. For those who were unable to reach these centres, they would suffer for long periods, and quite often would die without ever receiving any healthcare at all. Prabha is determined to work as a nurse in the rural areas as she has seen so many healthcare workers leaving because of the remoteness and inadequate healthcare facilities. Because she did not have adequate finances to become a nurse, she opted first to become a midwife, but is now overjoyed to have joined PHASE and to be able to fulfil her dream of working as a nurse in the rural areas of Nepal thanks to her Doctors for Nepal nursing scholarship.
Prabha says: “after 3 years of study I aim to be a qualified and skilled nurse and to serve in Nepal’s remote rural areas. If possible, I would like to study even further in the future.”