Message from Dr Kate Yarrow

I returned from a trustee visit to Nepal less than a week before the UK went into full lock-down measures to try and restrict the spread of COVID-19. Within a matter of days, all of our lives have undergone unimaginable changes; geographical isolation, food shortages, the risk of life-threatening infection, and worryingly – restricted access to the healthcare that we usually so take for granted.  In a moment of quiet reflection, I noticed that the self-isolation we are experiencing here in the UK is bringing us a little closer to the “normality” of life in Nepal.  Perhaps a lesson to us all – of the hardship that millions have to endure on a daily basis, even before the additional threat of this invisible viral enemy.

As of 26th May 2020, there have been 682 confirmed COVID cases and 4 deaths in Nepal; whether or not this is an accurate representation of the actual number is a different matter. But what we do know, is that if COVID takes its’ hold on Nepal, and spreads to the western regions, it could be absolutely disastrous for these remote communities. Our doctors are having to work without proper personal protective equipment (PPE), and in poor hospital infrastructures with limited facilities to cope with critically unwell patients.

As a charity, we will do whatever we can to help support our team in Nepal through these challenging times. It is vital that our students are able to continue with their education, in order that they can help with this and any future medical challenges that Nepal may face. Fundraising is particularly difficult for us without the marathons, dinners etc, so we ask that you dig deep over the coming months to ensure that we are able to continue with our work.

Please do keep safe –  and thank you for your support.

Dr Kate Yarrow, Chair and Founder Doctors For Nepal