Trustee visit to Nepal

In November/December 2018 Dr Kate Yarrow, founder, Nigel Lewers, Trustee and Cesca Eaton, UK administrator, flew to Kathmandu to visit all our medical students and doctors and some of our nursing students.  It’s very important for us to to stay connected with our “DFN family” in Nepal, and the time spent with them each year, face-to-face is invaluable.  We held various meetings and workshops, including how to make ‘video diaries’ from remote hospitals.  Plus the use of social media and logging of cases to show productivity.

Santosh (L), Kate (C), Dean of PAHS (R)

We also formally welcomed our newest medical student – Santosh, and nursing student – Yuna, to the DFN family.

Nigel (L), Yuna (C), Head of Nursing College (R)

Both signed their agreements with DFN and PAHS.  Santosh, DFN”s youngest student at 18, is already showing huge promise and is very popular with his fellow students.  We took on Yuna in her 2nd year of study, when her father was killed in a labouring accident in the United Arab Emirates.  Without the support of DFN she would not have been able to complete her studies, so she is extremely grateful for the help we are able to provide.  We wish them both well in their studies.