11 results for group: dfn-nurse

Niruta Shahi

About Age: 16 Home:  Tila, 4 , Shapully, Jumla Background: Father owns clothes shop and Mother - housewife. Oldest of 3 siblings - 2 younger brothers Previous employment: School student Current: Qualified PCL Nursing August 2023, will go on to work her two-year bond in a rural area. Niruta was our 7th nursing student to be welcomed into the Doctors for Nepal family.  We awarded Niruta a full scholarship to study nursing at Karnali Academy of Health Sciences (KAHS) and she successfully completed her study in August 2023. August 2023 Niruta passed her final year and her license exams and is now nurse! She has worked very hard over the ...

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Sita Sharma

About Age: 18 Home:  Sinja, Narakot, Jumla Background: Father and Mother farmers. Oldest of 3 siblings - 1 younger brother, 1 younger sister Previous employment: school student Current: Sita completed her nursing study in 2023 and is now a fully qualified nurse. Her next step is to find a role in rural Nepal, where she can continue her journey serving these communities. Sita was our 6th nursing student to be welcomed into Doctors for Nepal family.  She was given a half scholarship to boost her already awarded half scholarship from Karnali Academy of Health Sciences (KAHS) and started her 1st year of study at KAHS Jumla Nursing College in ...

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Neelam Yadav

About Age: 20 Home:  Terai Region, Southern Nepal Background: Father and Mother are farmers. Previous employment: Patan Hospital Current: Qualified as a nurse in 2022, currently applying for a Bachelors in Nursing. Neelam comes from the lowland region of Terai in southern Nepal, where her parents are farmers.  She is the youngest of 6 siblings. As of July 2022 Neelam is a qualified nurse, having completed her studies at Patan Academy of Health Sciences Nursing College in Kathmandu, thanks to a DFN scholarship.

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Prabha Devkota

"I am overjoyed to be the recipient of a Doctors for Nepal nursing scholarship to fulfil my dream of becoming a nurse in the remotest parts of Nepal"

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Apsara Jirel

"I am enthusiastic to study nursing because we can contribute to the community from my district."

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