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Dr Richard Howell Bsc, MB, BS, FRCOG

Dr Richard Howell Richard qualified in Medicine in 1976 from the University of London. He furthered his studies in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and is a fellow of the RCOG. He specialised in Reproductive medicine and surgery and set up one of the first NHS funded IVF units in the UK at St Bartholomews Hospital in London. He has worked in South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria and Kenya and lectured extensively throughout India and East Africa. He moved to Brighton and Sussex Medical School in 2005 and as well as maintaining a significant clinical commitment, he became actively involved in undergraduate and postgraduate education. He was sub Dean for year ...

Apsara Hamal

Thank you Doctors For Nepal for all your support to make my dream come true

Kamal Hamal

Everything I have learned during my 5 years of study to become a doctor will help me as I embark on my life as a newly qualified doctor. Thank you DFN.

Prakash Thakulla

Your financial generosity has allowed me to reach my dream and has inspired me to help others by giving to the community.

Meena Kafle Chaulagain

I wanted to be a good physician and serve those people in rural areas who are poor, uneducated, and innocent but they have desire to improve their life style.